HOOD BABIES aims to generate an outlet for community discourse as the brand serves as a network to educate and expound upon shared information. The studio production, A Buba Creation Den, intends to operate as 3 functions: a factory, brick and mortar storefront, and communal event space.

Its temporal duties work during alternating time periods. The in depth blueprint as well as the efficient assembly line production model affords a precise replication of each doll at a well calculated schedule. Each release of the HOOD BABIES consists of 20 dolls of a specified character. Of the 7 doll characters, there will be 140 dolls created within a 21 month period as each character is released within 3 month intervals. Each character has its designated seasonal rollout.






The first month is dedicated to the factory production with 4 dolls created a day and the 20 dolls created during the first week. The rest of the month consists of factory tours and preorder pickups.

A Buba Creation Den is the studio where HOOD BABIES are manufactured. This factory-like creative workshop follows a modern approach to industrial toymaking. The assembly line production model aids in an efficient manufacturing process. Each station caters to a specific portion of the doll with each chakra designated to an assigned post. For example the third eye chakra comprises of the 5 eye mechanisms, face casts, and magnetic clasps while the throat chakra covers the mouth mechanism, 2 neck mechanisms and the neck cast. This intentional building process allows a detailed and articulate way of giving each part of the doll its deserved attention. The meticulous system distributes a unique perspective when appealing to spiritual notions of energy transference. Each limb, strand of hair, paint stroke, and linked mechanism is afforded an amped amount of attentiveness and care. The construction of each doll goes through vigorous observation with a mindful perspective on assembly as each doll is constructed through positive affirmations. The Den’s birthing process supports the HOOD BABIES’ mission of healing the inner child through reprogramming by instilling values of love and attention during its creation.

As per its dream family, the toymakers represent an image of unity and ambition. A Buba Creation Den strives to provide a receptive relationship with consumers as the brand often relies on community reactions and customer feedback for an authentic representation of our audience’s ideas. The workshop is located in Brooklyn, New York, at the center of cultural development within the transitional shift of Bedstuy. As the community undergoes its conversion in the midst of gentrification, locals are contemplating new ways of living. The Den situates itself as a communicator within this neighborhood’s physical, mental, and spiritual evolution. The studio recognizes the importance of environmental awareness as communal settings often nurtures ideals in its respective consciousness. Its in-house production model supports ethical manufacturing and accessible renderings of communal spaces. Its diligent handcrafted approach prioritizes quality over quantity as the Den relies on skilled locals instead of exploited workers from external sweatshops. 





The labor intensive process also combats the quality issues of mass produced trendy products. The singular strategy entails the best quality materials with experienced craftsmen dedicated to innovative artistry. Beyonce Armstrong, lead toymaker, received her Bachelors of Fine Arts at the prestigious art college Rhode Island School of Design where she studied many different art forms with adept proficiency in painting, sculpture, woodworking, printmaking, and graphic design. Many artistic opportunities have helped contribute to her knowledgeable experience in the art world such as her attendance at the well known LaGuardia Performing Arts High School, her background in multiple art galleries, showings at cultural centers like the Apollo Theatre, as well as her 10 year practice in freelance work. Her background as a freelance artist entails the creation of commissioned works for a variety of clients.

This work includes custom paintings, sculptures, clothing, sneakers, jewelry, and toys with a focus often on social discourse and activism in the black community. Artworks range from 13ft. long mural projects and life-sized lodge installations to logo designs for an array of businesses such as clothing brands, restaurants, and board games. She is recognized for ambitious works deriving from diligent studio practices and unconventional applications with experience ranging from gallery exhibitions and murals to being an art director and art teacher. Her training in art education demanded the development of formal business proposals, budgeting supply costs for middle school art classes, and managing material funds for large commissioned projects. Her knowledge of money management and budgeting prepares a smooth transition for supervising business finances.


The second month is dedicated to the brick and mortar store where consumers can shop for a doll in person.

The storefront provides an accessible atmosphere as its décor and welcoming workers encourage a safe environment for any questions and information about the brand. The excellent customer service is a testament to workers who are aligned with HOOD BABIES’ values as our staff is seen as a representation of our audience. The toy shop also features HOOD BABIES merch such as clothing, prints, separate doll accessories, and other brand paraphernalia. The storefront period is a lucrative time for consumers as it is the only means of receiving a doll. HOOD BABIES does not ship or deliver dolls as it follows an adoption-like process where consumers are vetted and well instructed on the dolls’ spiritual maintenance as well as suggested functions. Each buyer meets with the owner as they are inducted into the HOOD BABIES family. This brief exchange ensures each limited release is dispersed among individuals with aligned values while also solidifying a community network of like minded allies. Each buyer has the option of being featured on the HOOD BABIES website where social discourse and consumer engagement allows a network for communicating about the development of personal findings, doll interactions, and spiritual connections.


The third and final month is dedicated to being a communal space where events and meetups take place.

The first week covers a gallery show with artwork from local creatives and pieces from members of the HOOD BABIES family. The second week is comprised of community events such as puff and paints, spiritual workshops, cook-outs, and organized discussions on specific topics. The third week holds The Family Party where members of the HOOD BABIES pack can mingle and network with people of shared interests.

This 3 month rollout shines light on each individual doll and gives the audience enough time to anticipate the next drop. The structured 2 year plan covers the logistics of all 7 character releases, goals in consumer conduct and opportunities for community engagement. However, HOOD BABIES’ vision of impact supersedes the near future with ambitions of global expansion through the brand’s franchise. The company’s unique business model as well as its striking doll products open room for many avenues of diversification. Industries like film, apparel, music, fine art, and festivals provide an inviting prospect for growth. The business’ objective prioritizes the dispersion of consciousness in the black community and this goal is to be achieved through widespread recognition.