Art toys have followed the trend of minimalism in consumerist markets in order to appease broad audiences. Aims of generating more revenue through basic designs and simple concepts have curated an industry of bland, uninspired products. Technological advancements have made society transition from unique products and services to mechanical monotony. The digital age has made the market prioritize production and revenue over the consumer experience. All industries have succumbed to the dystopian reality of quantity over quality or commercial over culture. The industrial impact can be felt through the disconnection consumers experience with fast fashion, gentrification, automated customer service, monotonous music, reboots, AI art, etc. Society’s passive interactions with these commercial products have normalized a landscape of dullness and impersonal resonance. Ironically, the evolution of technology has made society regress into the comfort of uniformity. The overload of information and opportunity has put creative industries at a standstill as society relies more and more on robotic replacements. Modern art toys are no different. Instead of its historical function of bringing entertainment and stimulating creativity, modern toys have functioned as display trophies. In a world of hierarchical clout- social class and influence have been prioritized over entertainment and education. Thus the art market has succumbed to the standard of economic influence.


While toys are the first commercial products many people form connections with, it is important to highlight the transformative benefits that come from interacting with childhood playthings. In order to heal from the longstanding programmed mindset of mundanity, it is crucial to begin at an industry that has historically shaped the minds of our children. Through this regressive escapade, HOOD BABIES strive to undo and reprogram the mind of our inner child. These art toys fill a void in the commercial landscape by pushing messages of individualism and critical thinking while also appealing to the standard of tech emulation. These dolls provide a healthy balance between robotic takeover and spiritual advancement while showcasing the intersection between the evolution of tech and humanity. The takeover of robots and AI have curated a fascination of transhumanism in everyday life. The commercial manufacturing of these human-like toys allow adults to partake in the trend of escapism through identifying with an artificial impression of one’s childhood.

HOOD BABIES takes it even a step further by pushing a message that celebrates black pride, encourages an evolutionary mindset and provides representation for underprivileged communities. These dolls serve as symbols of mindfulness and diligence by becoming more aware in all areas of your life. Our family embraces the protection community has to offer once the collective elevates through the reprogramming of the mind, body, and soul.

These art toys are as personal and as specific to the individual as they intend. The dolls can serve as display objects, luxury status symbols, spiritual bibles, soul diaries, figures of representation, friends, family, community, therapy, and many more. And they look mad cool too.