Foot Print

36 in.× 52 in.× 18 in. cardboard, wood, fabric, metal wire, and manila rope, 2019

My final piece for my Wintersession class was a large Timberland sculpture displayed in one of my favorite sneaker stores @sneakerjunkies .Shoes were my main focus in this class because I wanted to shine light on the importance of an everyday item. Shoes tell a lot about the owner whether it be the price and affordability or specific functions they're used for. The history of sneakers tell what place they originated from while the stigma behind certain shoes create preconceptions of the owner, whether it be Vans on skaters, Uggs on valley girls, Jordans on basketball players, Timbs on New Yorkers, or Doc Martens on goths. All kinds of footwear are seen as social status symbols but the value of shoes can represent


"Real Boy ONYX"

